P.O. Box 4363
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
President | Jordan Hoover - KC9PXM | e-mail
Vice President | Kevin Smith - KG6IEV | e-mail
Treasurer | Jim Moore - WD5BNY | e-mail
Secretary | Dale Cheek - NY5B | e-mail
Repeater Trustees
147.14 | Korey Chandler, W5HI | e-mail
444.0 | Korey Chandler, W5HI | e-mail
Radio Frequency Interference
Mike Byrne, AE5CO | e-mail
Chuck Schotta, KC5BSG | e-mail
Public Service
Hoagie Jackson, KI5ILS | e-mail
Jake Jackson, KD5JHW | e-mail
Please use the form below if you would like the club to contact you or if you just have a comment.
Your name: | |
Your call (if any): | |
E-mail: | |
Confirm e-mail: |
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